Sequencing Service - Faculty of Biology

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Sequencing Tutorial
  1. Request an account
  2. Create sequencing jobs
  3. Overview about existing jobs
  4. Change user details
  5. Troubleshooting

Request an account

To get an account on the sequencing system please fill in the account request form (Navigation -> Account Request).
You will receive an email with your login and password within one working day.

Create sequencing jobs

Go to the sequencing manager (Navigation -> Sequencing).
Here you can click on New Single Sample, New 8 Strip or New Full Plate to create a new sequencing job.
The price per sample is dependent on the type of job. Please have a look at the pricing overview (Navigation -> Pricing)
  • Single Sample - one single sample in a 200 ul PCR tube
  • 8 Strip - 8 samples in a PCR 8-strip
  • Full Plate - 96 samples in a 96 well PCR plate

You will get a small wizard with 2 pages:

  • First Page
    Job Name You can name your job for better recognition (letters and digits, please no special characters). Per default you get a 10 digit integer value. (The number is simply a timestamp. A job with a higher number is automatically newer.)
    Protocol You get to select the appropriate protocol for your job from a dropdown menu.
    Comment A text field where you can add comments on your job.
    Sample Names In this section you can name the sample(s) within your job. By default (if you decide not to change the name) the sample name is based on the default job name and position on the plate (e.g. 0123456789_A01). For 96 well plates you have the option to upload all 96 sample names at once as tab-delimited text file.

  • "Job Summary" Page
    This page allows you to review your job before submission.
    Please make sure that all your data are correct, especially the chosen protocol.

    Press "Finish" to submit your data.
    Go to your Personal Page to check that your job was entered correctly.

Overview about existing jobs

Go to your personal page (Navigation -> Personal Page).
There you get your contact information and a list of your current jobs.

Change user details

Go to your personal page (Navigation -> Personal Page).
Below your contact information is a link to change your user details. Edit the fields and press "Update" to submit your changes.


Most problems with the creation of sequencing jobs result from incompatibilities between certain browsers (mainly older versions of Internet Explorer) and the Sequencing Manager software. Here are some tips:

1. If you have problems with the Sequencing Manager, try it with a different browser. We prefer the latest version of Firefox.

2. In the New ... wizards please navigate only with the Previous and Next buttons in the wizard window. The navigation buttons in the top left corner of your browser won't work!

3. If you experience continuous problems while entering jobs (e.g. the New Single Sample wizard does not go to the next window), close and restart your internet browser. Most problems can be solved this way. Alternatively, you can empty the cache of your browser.

4. After submission of a new job, please go to your Personal Page to check whether your job was added to the database.